Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Photoshop Tutorial

Learn 31 Professional Photoshop Tutorial.
best photoshop tutorial

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30 Professional Photoshop Tutorials: 

Hi, my name is Adam and I'm a professional photo editor, and photographer. My main goal with this site is to teach you how you can create better photos by spending as little money as possible and it all starts with photo editing.
No, you don't need a $3000 camera or a $1500 lens to take professional quality photos. In fact, the difference you will notice between a photo taken with an entry level DSLR camera + the kit lens and the same photo taken with the Canon 5D Mark III for example is minimal compare to the difference you'll notice between one photo expertly edited in Photoshop and the same that wasn't. If you already have Photoshop,  you can improve your photos dramatically by learning how to properly color correct and color grade.
Then, you can take your photos to a whole new level if you can master the art of what we call photomanipulation, compositing, and retouching. By mastering those techniques, you will be able to turn your photos into digital art!

All source images for the tutorials are supplied to you so you'll be able to do exactly what I did. The tutorials were all done using Photoshop CS5 so CS5 or a newer version is recommended. You can get a lot done with CS3/CS4 also. Note that if you have Photoshop Elements, you can certainly learn a lot with this tutorial but know that most of the color grading I do is done with options not available in Elements.
If you are on this website and have read until this point, it's because you are a motivated artist that wants to improve and you realize that to fully unleash your talent, you need the technical knowledge you might be missing to fully express it.
Learning all the ways you can edit your photos and images is like someone that finally learns the proper drawing techniques. Before, the person was making interesting doodles, now he/she's creating works of art. The talent was there but it was not fully utilized. And it's the same thing with digital art and photo-editing, once you learn the proper methods, you then unleash the creativity in you that couldn't fully be expressed before.
What you'll learn on this site is just the start, a glimpse of what's possible for you to achieve. By joining this site and practicing what I'll teach you, I firmly believe that you too can become a photo/image editing expert. You may doubt your potential at first but I guarantee you that after surprising yourself a few times with better than expected results, your confidence will grow and you will be believing in your true potential.
It's important to have goals and that's why you are here, if it's career goals (photography, digital artist), to paraphrase the great Jim Rohn, get the skills, take the classes, be more valuable. If it's personal goals (hobby), push yourself, get the knowledge and be what you want to be.

Here are just a few tutorials you will learn from the website:

How to create a cartoon character with photomanipulation and retouching. Transforming photos of real people caricatures.

How to make your portraits look out of this 

world. Using retouching techniques to create 

fantasy portrait

How to create more impactful portraits. Improving the look of the skin with style

How to do an extreme makeover digitally in Photoshop. Transforming a model into a supermodel

How to create breathtaking images. Using advanced color grading and some photo manipulation to make your photos look spectacular

How to retouch your photos like the Pros. Giving your subjects the flawless look they always wanted
How to turn a photo with strong shadows and highlights into something that looks like an HDR Photo
And so much more...
I'm offering you 30 professional tutorial & growing lifetime membership only $25.....
and this is the limited time offer

So don't wait, get the knowledge and start creating stunning images today by becoming a member!

Click Here!

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! Photo editing is really all about the right techniques. If you can get the tricks right by maintaining the quality of the image, that is what true photo edit is all about. Thanks! Photo editing
